lolita media library: Kira Imai’s “Rosette”
This is one of Imai’s older art books, published on August 10, 2002 under her circle name 眼帯天国 (Gantai tengoku). This is from soon after she was hired by Angelic Pretty to make their illustrations.It is all illustrations (12 in total, 13 if you count the front cover). It has some interesting broken English, and a really old website address printed in it, viewable on the Wayback Machine (link). The last page says it is her 14th original art book! I’d like to find something even older someday. It seems a bit harder than her style today, with more punk styles, darker colors, and mildly unsettling as much as it is cute.
Table of Contents
- Tea Party p.5
- Boy Alice p.6
- Fast Food p.7
- Anoia p.8
- Lost Sheep p.9
- Cherry p.10
- Alice in melancholic world p.11
- Princess and prince p.12
- A happy new year p.14
- Drum corps p.15
- All I want in life is to be happy… p.16
- A fairy tale p.17
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