Dress: Carina e Arlequin (Stripe Shirring JSK in black/white with black lace)
Wig: Offbrand
Headband: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright (Bunny Ears Headband in black/red)
Blouse: Bodyline Tokyo (L075 Shirring Blouse in black, with long sleeves removed)
Corsage: Handmade
Corset belt: Handmade
Necklace: Puvithel (Crystal Heart Necklace in gunmetal x red)
Wrist cuffs: Bodyline Tokyo (acc1040 Mesh Lace Wrist Cuffs with Roses in black), roses removed and different bows added
Rings: Baby the Stars Shine Bright (Queen Skull Ring in black), offbrand (rabbit), handmade (red cabochon)
Bag: A3 The Candy Tower (Wonderland Heart Bag in red)
Socks: Angelic Pretty (Marionette Girl OTKs in black)
Shoes: Bodyline Tokyo (Single Strap Pumps, ACSH-0068Y in red)

This dress from Carina e Arlequin (a now long defunct brand) came up for sale for an absolute steal a while back, and I've been dreaming up a bunch of outfits with it but they all seem to scream Alice in Wonderland for some reason. Here is one with red accents.
