JSK: Metamorphose (Gingham Cherry Shirring JSK in navy)
Hat: Forever21 (I modified it by removing black ribbon and replacing it with red, and adding a bow)
Cutsew: Gap
Wrist cuffs: Bodyline (acc1030 in offwhite)
Bag: DreamV
Socks: Taobao, not sure of the brand, they seem pretty generic
Shoes: Angelic Pretty (Academy Wooden Sole Shoes in red)

I had meant to wear a school/Studio Ghibli themed outfit for the local Comic-Con but due to it not looking like something I was proud to show off once I tried it all on, and the fact that it was crazy hot outside (94 F) and long sleeves sounded like a terrible idea, I opted for this instead. This was likely the last warm weekend until April or May, and I had just received this very summery dress in the mail and had things to go with it, so I put it on! Since I am not really a huge fan of comics and was mostly going to hang out with friends, I decided if anyone was 100% serious about asking me what my “cosplay” was (as occasionally happens with curious people at conventions) I was going to tell them “this is my Captain America costume”. Thankfully no one did…I am not that great at being snarky. At least not on purpose.

I have been interested in this print ever since I saw the navy short sleeve OP for sale secondhand but it was gone by the time I made the decision to buy it. I kept waffling only because the print seemed like it could be a little TOO juvenile (I think it’s the daisies). When this shirring JSK popped up, it was cheap enough that I just went for it, and I’m glad I did. The colors, especially the blue, are more muted than they look in stock images and I think that balances the cutesy print. Despite being called Gingham Cherry, the print also has strawberries in it. The more fruits, the merrier, I say.
